We are 3 games into the season and I am loving every minute of it. I feel great and the bus rides to away games are not too uncomfortable. (We'll see if I'm still singing that same tune in a few months! Those bus seats are small!) We've had a scrimmage and 3 games, and are 3 - 1, with our loss by just one point. Our wins have been pretty solid, each time by more than 20 points. My team this year is eager to learn and they seem to genuinely like each other and enjoy being a team. It's easy to keep track of how many games/weeks we have left, because we're due just 2 1/2 weeks after the last game!
In house news, we just got our new dishwasher and thank goodness because I am DONE with handwashing all our dishes - which we have been for over 2 months. We also bought our tree, and it's the first time I've had a live one. I have also realized that the type of tree Pat prefers (white pine) is the rarest of all live Christmas trees - we only had 5 to choose from on a 100+ tree lot - and also the most unique shape - short, fat and fluffy. I need to get some decorations on it soon because right now it just looks like a furry green gumdrop. Then we need to put up the outside house lights - just in time for the house decorating judging/contest that is happening in our community tomorrow night.
Sophie loves the new house - especially laying in the sunshine from the bay window - and continues to follow me from room to room and never let me out of her sight. Wonder if that will continue once she has a baby waking her up from her 10-a-day cat naps? :o) Here she is getting ready to pass out on the back of the couch in my office.
I love your tree! White pines are awesome :)