It has taken me a few days to post our news because I've been busy traveling again, this time to Auburn University. I'm staying with my friends Amy and Scott, and their kitty (who looks amazingly like Sophie) Miss Lelu Dallas. I'm so lucky to have friends to stay with on my trips - so much better than sleeping at a hotel all the time. (Thanks again Amy!)
So....we had our appointment on Monday and found out we are having a GIRL!! I was convinced we were having a boy, but Pat said from day one that we would have a girl. :o) We can't wait to start putting the nursery together - good thing we are almost done with the rest of our house.
The real reason for our appointment was to get a comprehensive check done on the baby's progress, and the doctor said everything looked great. We could see the 4 ventricles of the heart, the kidneys, the spine and ribs, the brain, the legs and arms (which look long!) and anything and everything else. It was amazing to see and comforting to know that things were still moving along in there! And I have really felt her kicking a lot lately, especially after I eat. And this might sound weird, but it's nice having a traveling companion on my trips. :o)
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