Thursday, November 5, 2009

Too many choices!

I thought picking a name would be difficult, but I am more stressed trying to pick a theme/pattern for the nursery! I have narrowed it down to a few; Pat likes the purple one and I really like the green one with the trees.

I have found that my favorite part of pregnancy so far is feeling the baby kick inside me. It is amazing each and every time it happens, which is usually about 30 minutes after I eat, right before I go to bed, and right when I get up in the morning. Her kicks are getting stronger and stronger, but still can't be felt from the outside. Hopefully soon!

Last week I traveled to Louisville, KY for the annual Green Industry Conference. Definitely one of those events where there is too much to do, and not nearly enough time to do it. I did get to catch up with some friends, though our convos were short and hurried. I did get to surprise a few folks who did not know we were pregnant - definitely some great looks on those faces (no way to hide this belly now). :o)

Next week I will be in California visiting Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo. We are flying into San Francisco and then driving down Pacific Coast Hwy to SLO. I can't wait to see the spectacular views and to enjoy a little sun and heat (75 degrees) before heading home to chilly Maryland.


  1. You need to be taking monthly pics of your growoing belly!!

  2. Purple. Definately Purple. I want belly pictures, too. I agree with Donna. You are telling the story without pics, we need to have illistrations for the story. Kiss.
